<Route path="/app/*" element={<AppPage/>} > <Route path="home" element={<Home/>} /> <Route path="article" element={<ArticleList/>} /> </Route>
const HISTORY = `/api` const URL = { doUserLogin: `${HISTORY}/login/doSignIn`, // getBasicData: `${HISTORY}/index/getBasicData`, doArticleAdd: `${HISTORY}/index/doArticleAdd`, doArticleUpdate: `${HISTORY}/index/doArticleUpdate`, doArticleDelete: `${HISTORY}/index/doArticleDelete`, getArticleList: `${HISTORY}/index/getArticleList`, } export default URL
import React from 'react' import { Table, Space,Button,Modal,Input, Form, Row, Col, Select, DatePicker, message,Pagination } from 'antd'; import moment from 'moment'; import 'moment/locale/zh-cn' import {EditOutlined,DeleteOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons'; import RequestTools from 'utils/request.js' moment.locale('zh-cn') const { confirm } = Modal; const { Option } = Select; const dateFormat = 'YYYY-MM-DD'; const { TextArea } = Input; const _req = new RequestTools() class ArticleList extends React.Component { constructor(prors){ super(prors) this.state={ page:1, //显示页 pagesize:5,//显示的条数 count:0,// 总条数 align:'center', data:[], //接收数据 visible: false, upvisible: false, id:0, title:'', category:'', is_show:0, create_time:moment('', dateFormat) , content:'', istrue:false //修改弹框 } } componentDidMount() { this.getArticleList() } getArticleList = () => { const params = {} params.page = this.state.page; params.pagesize = this.state.pagesize; _req.axiosPost(params, 'getArticleList').then(res => { this.setState({ data:res.data.data, count: res.data.count }) }) } // 错误提示 error = (val) => { message.error(val); }; // 成功提示 success = (val) => { message.success(val); }; // 弹框显示 showArticleAdd = () => { this.setState({ visible: true, }); }; hideArticleAdd = () => { this.setState({ visible: false, upvisible: false, istrue:false }); }; // 点击确认 handleOk = () => { }; // 点击取消 handleCancel = ()=> { this.setState({ visible: false, upvisible: false, istrue:false }); }; // 添加 onAddFinish = values => { let that = this; console.log('Received values of form: ', values); var params = {}; params.title=values.title; params.category=values.category; params.is_show=values.is_show; params.create_time=values.create_time._d; params.content=values.content; console.log('Received params: ', params); _req.axiosPost(params, 'doArticleAdd').then(res => { console.log(res); if (res.code==0){ that.success(res.data.msg) setTimeout(function (){ that.setState({ visible: false, upvisible: false, }); that.getArticleList() },800) } }) } // 编辑 update(text,record,index){ console.log(text) console.log(record) console.log(index) new Promise((resolve)=>{ this.setState({ upvisible: true, id:record.id, title:record.title, category:record.category, is_show:record.is_show, create_time:moment(record.create_time,dateFormat), content:record.content }); resolve() }).then(()=>{ this.setState({ istrue:true }) }) } // 获取编辑表单数据并发起请求 onFinish = values => { let that = this const params = {}; params.id= this.state.id; params.title=values.title; params.category=values.category; params.is_show=values.is_show; params.create_time=values.create_time._d; params.content=values.content; _req.axiosPost(params, 'doArticleUpdate').then(res => { if (res.code==0){ that.success(res.data.msg) setTimeout(function (){ that.setState({ visible: false, upvisible: false, }); that.getArticleList() },800) } }) } // 删除 del(text,record,index){ console.log(record.task_no) this.showDeleteConfirm(record.task_no) } // 删除弹框 showDeleteConfirm(no) { let that = this; confirm({ title: '是否确认删除?', okText: '确认', okType: 'danger', cancelText: '取消', // 点击确认触发 onOk() { _req.axiosPost({task_no:no}, 'doArticleDelete').then(res => { if (res.code==0){ that.success(res.data.msg) setTimeout(function (){ that.getArticleList() },800) } }) }, // 点击取消触发 onCancel() { console.log('Cancel'); }, }); } // 分页操作 onChangePage = page => { new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.setState({ page: page, // 改变值 }); resolve() }).then(() => { this.getArticleList() }) }; render() { const { visible} = this.state; const columns = [ { title: '标题', dataIndex: 'title', width: 150, align:this.state.align, }, { title: '分类', dataIndex: 'category', width: 50, align:this.state.align, }, { title: '显示', dataIndex: 'is_show', align:this.state.align, width: 20, }, { title: '发布时间', dataIndex: 'create_time', align:this.state.align, width: 50, }, { title: '操作', dataIndex: 'address', align:this.state.align, width: 150, render: (text, record,index) => ( <Space style={{ cursor: 'pointer', color: '#2378f7', fontSize: '15px' }}> <span onClick={()=>this.update(text,record,index)} ><EditOutlined /></span> <span onClick={()=>this.del(text,record,index)}> <DeleteOutlined /></span> </Space> ) } ]; return ( <div> <Row> <Col span={2} offset={22}> {/*添加弹框*/} <Modal visible={visible} title="新增文章" onCancel={this.hideArticleAdd} footer={null} > <Form style={{marginLeft:'-12px'}} labelCol={{ span: 6 }} wrapperCol={{ span: 14 }} layout="horizontal" onFinish={this.onAddFinish} > <Form.Item name='title' label="标题"> <Input placeholder="标题" /> </Form.Item> <Form.Item name='category' label="分类"> <Select> <Option value="新手任务" >新手任务</Option> <Option value="日常任务" >日常任务</Option> <Option value="活动任务" >活动任务</Option> </Select> </Form.Item> <Form.Item name='is_show' label="是否显示"> <Select> <Option value="1" >显示</Option> <Option value="0" >隐藏</Option> </Select> </Form.Item> <Form.Item name='create_time' label="发布时间"> <DatePicker /> </Form.Item> <Form.Item name='content' label="内容"> <TextArea placeholder="内容" autoSize={{ minRows: 3, maxRows: 5 }} /> </Form.Item> <Form.Item style={{margin:'20px 0 0 120px '}} > <Button key="back" onClick={this.handleCancel}> 取消 </Button>, <Button key="submit" type="primary" htmlType="submit" > 提交 </Button> </Form.Item> </Form> </Modal> {/*修改弹框*/} {this.state.istrue&& <Modal visible={this.state.upvisible} title="修改文章" footer={null} onCancel={this.handleCancel} > <Form style={{marginLeft:'-12px'}} labelCol={{ span: 6 }} wrapperCol={{ span: 14 }} layout="horizontal" onFinish={this.onFinish} initialValues={{ title:this.state.title, category:this.state.category, is_show:this.state.is_show, create_time:this.state.create_time, content:this.state.content, }} > <Form.Item name='title' label="标题"> <Input placeholder="large size" /> </Form.Item> <Form.Item name='category' label="分类"> <Select> <Option value="新手任务" >新手任务</Option> <Option value="日常任务" >日常任务</Option> <Option value="活动任务" >活动任务</Option> </Select> </Form.Item> <Form.Item name='is_show' label="是否显示"> <Select> <Option value="1" >显示</Option> <Option value="0" >隐藏</Option> </Select> </Form.Item> <Form.Item name='create_time' label="发布日期"> <DatePicker /> </Form.Item> <Form.Item name='content' label="内容"> <TextArea placeholder="内容" autoSize={{ minRows: 3, maxRows: 5 }} /> </Form.Item> <Form.Item style={{margin:'20px 0 0 120px '}} > <Button key="back" onClick={this.handleCancel}> 取消 </Button> <Button key="submit" type="primary" htmlType="submit" onClick={this.handleOk}> 提交 </Button> </Form.Item> </Form> </Modal>} </Col> </Row> <Row> <Col span={24}> <Button onClick={this.showArticleAdd} type="primary" style={{ marginBottom: 16 }}> 新增 </Button> <Table pagination={false} columns={columns} dataSource={this.state.data} /> <Pagination current={this.state.page} // 总条数 绑定state中的值 onChange={this.onChangePage} // 改变页面是发生的函数 pageSize={this.state.pagesize} total={this.state.count} // 页码数量 = 向上取整(总条数/每页条数)X10 showSizeChanger={false} // 总条数超过多少条显示也换条数 style={{ marginTop: '20px' }} /> </Col> </Row> </div> ) } } export default ArticleList
<?php namespace app\api\controller; use app\BaseController; class Index extends BaseController { public function getBasicData() { $arr = [ 'data'=>[ 'userCount'=>100, 'productCount'=>120, 'orderCount'=>140 ], 'code'=>0 ]; return $arr; } public function getArticleList() { $arr = [ 'data'=>[ 'data'=>[ ['id'=>1,'title'=>'test','create_time'=>'2022-01-31T13:53:27.237Z','category'=>'新手任务','is_show'=>1,'content'=>'4455666'], ['id'=>2,'title'=>'test','create_time'=>'2022-01-31T13:53:27.237Z','category'=>'新手任务','is_show'=>0,'content'=>'4455666'], ['id'=>3,'title'=>'test','create_time'=>'2022-01-31T13:53:27.237Z','category'=>'新手任务','is_show'=>1,'content'=>'4455666'], ['id'=>4,'title'=>'test','create_time'=>'2022-01-31T13:53:27.237Z','category'=>'新手任务','is_show'=>0,'content'=>'4455666'] ], 'count'=>30 ], 'code'=>0 ]; return $arr; } public function doArticleUpdate() { $param = $this->request->param(); file_put_contents('333345update.log',json_encode($param)."\r\n\r\n",FILE_APPEND); $arr = [ 'data'=>[ 'msg'=>'更新成功', ], 'code'=>0 ]; return $arr; } public function doArticleAdd() { $param = $this->request->param(); file_put_contents('333345add.log',json_encode($param)."\r\n\r\n",FILE_APPEND); $arr = [ 'data'=>[ 'msg'=>'新增成功', ], 'code'=>0 ]; return $arr; } public function doArticleDelete() { $param = $this->request->param(); file_put_contents('333345del.log',json_encode($param)."\r\n\r\n",FILE_APPEND); $arr = [ 'data'=>[ 'msg'=>'删除成功', ], 'code'=>0 ]; return $arr; } }
# 正常构建 yarn build # 构建到指定目录 BUILD_PATH=./dist yarn build # 指定配置环境 REACT_APP_CONFIG_ENV=test yarn build # 打包大小分析 yarn build:analyzer # 打包时间分析 yarn build:time